Microsoft office word 2007 redaction add-in free -

Microsoft office word 2007 redaction add-in free -

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Microsoft office word 2007 redaction add-in free 


- Microsoft office word 2007 redaction add-in free


Word documents can sometimes contain hidden but also visible information that has to be removed or that you may want removed before documents are shared with other users. Tools have been developed to take care of the hidden data Microsoft Word Metadata Scrubber is one but until now there were not many tools to take care of visible data that needed to be removed before a document could be shared. Most Word users are therefore replacing confidential text with blanks or single characters like xxxxx which can often times confuse readers of the edited version of the document.

Note : Visual Studio Tools for the Office system 3. The Word Redaction Tool has been designed as an add-in for Microsoft Word and to redact text and images in documents before they are shared with other users.

The add-in will add a Redact group to the Review tab which can be used to control the process. To redact text, a user would select the text that should be redacted. The next step would be to click on the Mark option in the Redact group in the Word Review tab; this will mark the text by highlighting it. It is also possible to use the Find and Mark command to automatically highlight all instances of a phrase in the Word document.

It is possible to review the document at any time before redacting the highlighted text by selecting the Redact Option under the Mark group in the Review tab.

The developer recommends to inspect the metadata of the document to ensure that these do not contain information that could leak the redacted information. The Word Redaction Tool requires the. NET Framework 3. Update : The project has been abandoned and Codeplex, the project's host, no longer provides access to release downloads.

We have uploaded the latest release version of the application to our own download server. Note that we don't support the application in any way and have done so only for archiving purposes. Some functionality that the add-in provides won't work in newer versions of Office, e. Office or The text blackening does not work properly in those versions, installation works fine though. Any suggestions as to how to install the app? John, I have uploaded the last release version to our own server and updated the review to reflect that.

You can download it with a click on the link. It works partially only. Installs fine tested in Office , and while some features still work, text blackening does not.

Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Please click on the following link to open the newsletter signup page: Ghacks Newsletter Sign up. Ghacks is a technology news blog that was founded in by Martin Brinkmann.

It has since then become one of the most popular tech news sites on the Internet with five authors and regular contributions from freelance writers. Search for:. Martin Brinkmann. Software , Windows. Related content Your browser stores passwords and sensitive data in clear text in memory.

GitHub's Atom text editor will be retired in December. Phishing: use of reverse tunnel services to avoid detection and shutdown increases. LastPass introduces passwordless Vault access. Here is how to protect Windows PCs from Protocol vulnerabilities. Comments John Kemper said on April 18, at am. Martin Brinkmann said on April 18, at am. Big'un said on April 23, at pm. Although unsupported, does this work with Office and later? Martin Brinkmann said on April 23, at pm.

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Published in: June 8, am Updated in: June 8, am. Published in: June 2, pm Updated in: June 3, am. About gHacks Ghacks is a technology news blog that was founded in by Martin Brinkmann.



Microsoft office word 2007 redaction add-in free. New 'Redact Assistant' Easily Redacts Word and Excel Files


Note that we don't support the application in any way and have done so only for archiving purposes. Some functionality that the add-in provides won't work in newer versions of Office, e. Office or The text blackening does not work properly in those versions, installation works fine though. Any suggestions as to how to install the app? John, I have uploaded the last release version to our own server and updated the review to reflect that. You can download it with a click on the link.

It works partially only. Installs fine tested in Office , and while some features still work, text blackening does not. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Please click on the following link to open the newsletter signup page: Ghacks Newsletter Sign up.

Ghacks is a technology news blog that was founded in by Martin Brinkmann. It has since then become one of the most popular tech news sites on the Internet with five authors and regular contributions from freelance writers.

To redact text in these programs, you need a third-party plug-in. The tool was created by a Microsoft engineer, but it is not officially supported by Microsoft. Its functionality in Word is limited and it does not work with Excel. Another popular redaction program, Redact-It , does work with both Word and Excel. However, it does not allow the redactions to be saved in the native Word and Excel formats. Recently, PayneGroup released Redact Assistant , a new product that makes it easy to redact information in native Word and Excel documents in Office and It offers several advanced features, including the ability to redact multiple terms in a single operation and to redact multiple files at the same time.

It is the only stand-alone program that saves Excel redactions in Excel format. Donna Payne, CEO of PayneGroup, recently provided me with a brief demonstration of Redact Assistant and then provided me with a free download of the software to test on my own computer.

I found the software to be easy to install and easy to use, both for simple redactions and more complex operations. Redact Assistant can be purchased and downloaded from the PayneGroup website www. Quantity discounts are available for purchases of 20 or more licenses. The software works with Word and Excel and and can be run on both and bit Windows operating systems, beginning with Windows XP. It does not work with the cloud-based version of Office Once the file is downloaded, it installs in just a matter of minutes.

Redacting a Word document tries to hide text or images and prevent third parties from using software or techniques to "uncover" what is not visible. Thanks to this procedure, you can ensure that the content you want to hide will not be seen by anyone other than you. To redact in a Word document, you can follow two methods. Both are straightforward, and I'll show them to you in the next section. Before you distribute your documents to others or to the public in general, it is important that you hide some information that is private or confidential.

Below are steps showing how to completely redact text in Word document. This method applies to Word , , , and Note: Redacting Word document is permanent and cannot be undone. If you wish to still access the information that you want to remove, it is advisable that you make a copy of your document before you redact your document. With the above simple steps, your Word document will be successfully redacted. In this article, we take you through some steps showing you how to redact in a Word document.

Unfortunately, Word doesn't have an implicit redaction tool, which suggests that you can't have the option to redact content in a Word document. The best way to deal with redact in a Word document is through a redaction add-on. Nevertheless, if you follow the following steps, your Word document can be effectively redacted.

That way, you can be able to share or disseminate the document to the general population with no stress of sharing private data. It is critical to note that, redacting a Word document is permanent and can never be reversed. Hence, it is always prudent that you make a duplicate of your report before you redact your document. That way, you will have a back up copy in case you need to refer to the data you plan to redact.


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